Cricket is the 2007 bay filly out of Pistol Packing Zippo and Ikes Tivio. She was born June 20. She is solid muscle, athletic abililty, and sweetness. What a looker! She looks like a halter horse but has a performance pedigree. She will be able to do it all! She is already quite an athlete, her pasture play includes sliding stops, awesome rollbacks, and tremendous speed. She has a wonderful personality to match. She will leave her mother and come up for attention. She'll even back up to you so you have easy access to scratch her tail! She is about 10 months old in these pictures. We don't really want to sell this one but if interested, we would consider offers.
UPDATE: Cricket is now weaned, halter broke and doing great! She will stand tied, lead, pick up all four feet and can be rubbed all over. She can be caught in a 40 acre pasture without grain or treats. She is a people-loving horse.
Just so you can get an idea of her temperament, I got her halter on for the first time all by myself, no problems, then the next day she was leading. That's gentle and trainable! What a great filly!

These next pictures are at less than 1 month old.

Pictures taken in January 08.