If you can't afford to buy a horse but still want to ride and have one of your "own", leasing is an option that we offer. Amigo is one that we offer for lease. Amigo was my first horse. He is very special and will never be sold. He is my companion and my teacher. I have learned so much from him. I got him when he was 4 years old, he is now 13. He has taken me everywhere I wanted to go and more. He let me train him for barrels, poles, flags, goat tying, and everything else those little shodeos could dream up. He also took me to the bigger jackpots and rodeos. He's been to Texas with me two times for Martha Josey's barrel racing clinics. He and I learned together how to team rope. He was a great heading horse and I even heeled off of him some. He has even been ridden english and loved it too! We have such a great relationship that I can ride him without any equipment at all. Bareback and bridleless; it's the best feeling in the world to have a relationship like that with a horse. He trusts me and I trust him. He also helped quite a few little kids learn how to ride in riding lessons. He has a great personality, loves treats and attention. He is absolutely trustworthy. He's been there, done that!! Unfortunately Amigo's performing days are over now because of an old racing injury that has progressively gotten worse. He is only able to walk and trot a little these days. He is still happy and comfortable and will live out the rest of his days being pampered. He is still able to do trail rides and is a great trail mount. If there is anyone wanting to lease a horse for trails or just walk, trot work in the round pen, Amigo is the right horse for you. He is extremely special to me and has to be on special treatment for his leg therefore I do not want him leaving my place but if someone were to lease him, they could ride here and locally. I have places here available, pens and trails that can be used. Once I got to know you better, trailering him to different places for use might be considered. Amigo is a special horse and still loves to be used. Once you meet him, you won't want to stop riding him. I will lease him for $50 per month. I will pay for all feeding and supplement costs as well as all veterinary costs. Lessee will only be responsible for farrier costs (Amigo's farrier costs are minimal) and the leasing fee. Also, if you are leasing a horse from me, discounts are available with my riding lessons and summer horse camps. If you have any questions at all, feel free to email me. Amigo is safe for anyone to ride. I have horses for sale and others I would consider leasing as well. Amigo is NOT for sale. Please let me know if you are interested in leasing Amigo or another horse. I have others that are completely sound that could be leased as well so don't hesitate to ask. Thanks.