Pistol Packing Zippo a.k.a. Pistol, is a 16 H, 1250 lb, 6 year old mare with performance, race, and halter bloodlines. Check out her awesome pedigree!! Pistol is bred to do anything, has perfect conformation and is very broke. She will spin a hole in the ground, stop on a dime, side pass, etc. She is an awesome all-around horse. She is suitable for any discipline...she moves like a dressage horse and is athletic enough to run barrels, rope off of or jump. She has more athletic ability than any horse needs, has great cattle sense, is well-started on barrels, high lopes with good turns, ready to be taken on and hauled. She is also started on poles as well. She has a kind heart. She has worked cattle and had a rope swung off of her. She is very cowy. She will track a cow with very little help. She has dragged heavy logs dallied to her saddle horn. She loves to pull and work. She is not spooky and is a wonderful trail horse. She goes wherever you point her. She has a competitive spirit and a willing to work attitude. She will ride western and english. She has a little experience in jumping and dressage as well as western events. She has siblings running barrels and roping in the rodeo circuit and doing very well.
The first three pictures here were taken in May 06 and the fourth pic was taken in November 06. The other two were taken as a 3 year old. I have had her since she turned two and broke her to ride myself so I know everything about this mare. I also broke three of her siblings to ride, I ran barrels on her brother for years and he is now running barrels for a 9 year old girl and winning like crazy! I've ridden her mother as well. Her family is well-known to me and they are all really nice horses. She has been taken care of since day one and is up to date on all vaccinations and worming. She will bath, clip, shoe, load, trailer, etc. She has no vices or health/soundness issues. No holes whatsoever!
She was bred to Ikes Tivio, a Poco Tivio, Driftwood, Ed Echols stud, for an '07 foal. She had a
very cute bay filly "Cricket" with a big blaze and three white socks on June 20th, 2007. This filly is extremely nice! She is built out the wazoo with muscle everywhere and lots of pizazz! She looks like a halter horse but has a performance pedigree...and boy, can she move! Great personality and spirit. Everyone, who comes to our place, comments on what a looker she is. She is the most friendly little filly I've ever been around. I think she will take after her mother. Her pictures are in her section below (Ikes Smokin Pistol). Pistol's '08 colt, "Stormy", is absolutely stunning! His section is above. Pistol is an awesome mom, she had no trouble concieving and no trouble foaling. She has plenty of milk and is a great broodmare. She is very tolerant of people being around her baby and will let you get between her and the foal. She just talks to her the whole time, telling her it's okay. She is protective of her around other horses but not overly aggressive. The perfect mare!!
I have decided to keep Pistol for now. I am going to get one more colt out of her...out of a purebred Fresian stallion! She is just too nice a mare--I keep talking myself into keeping her! :)
Pistol's Pedigree

RECENT PHOTO: Pistol on June 2, 2008 with her 2 day old colt, Stormy.

**To see a video clip of Pistol loping the barrel pattern at 3 years old (she had just started learning and we were still looking for a bit she liked but it's the only video I have of her at this point.) click the link below.**
(If you want to stay on my website, right click the link and open in a new window.)