My Horses

Pistols Poco Storm "Stormy"

Pistol had a very flashy loud bay roan tovero paint stud colt on May 31, 2008 at 4:00 am. He has beautiful blue eyes and great markings. His sire is Drifting Blue Tivio, he can be seen in his own section below. This colt is going to be so nice! He is strong and healthy and already has a great personality. He is very friendly and loves attention. I can call him and he will leave his mother to come to me. He loves to be scratched and played with. You can already touch and rub him anywhere on his body, legs, face, etc. He picks up all four feet with no problems. Picture above is at 2 week old. The rest of the pictures were taken at 1 week, 2 days, and about 1 hour old, it was only 5 am, so please forgive the was still pretty dark. NOT FOR SALE

2 weeks

one week
2 days
1 hour

To see a video of his first few steps, click here (right click to open in a new window):

Pictures taken July 2008 showing him shedding to his roan coat.